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Think Walk Run's B2B expertise goes beyond consultative. We have hands-on experience guiding marketing organizations, developing long-term business strategies and putting plans into action. As a direct result of our leadership, Enterey Consulting relaunched its brand, increased website traffic 2x, increased its social followers + engagement by 50% and lifted its average newsletter engagement metrics, all in less than 6 months.  


Brand design in B2B is more critical than ever in a crowded marketplace. Communicating with a distinct look+style, a confident & consistent tone of voice builds credibility in your business and provides the greatest opportunity to drive & close your leads


Contextually relevant content marketing is critical to the successful partnership between Marketing, Business Development and Sales in B2B organizations. From effective SEO/SEM, to Blogs, to Outbound Marketing, to Paid Search and on-going CRM Campaigning, each lever must to masterfully managed to engage prospects throughout the fluid purchase funnel


Using an adaptive approach to growth, Alex has employed the full portfolio of tools available to a B2B Marketer, including:

  • Account Based Marketing

  • CRM Management tools, e.g. HubSpot, Zoho & Salesforce

  • Google Applications, e.g. Analytics, Trends & Ads

  • Email Marketing Automation 

  • LinkedIn Campaign Manager

  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator

  • Market Segmentation Tools

  • Lead Nurturing & Optimization


Effective marketing efforts impact & drive change throughout the entire organization. Ultimately, a B2B Marketer leads the Company to:

  • Clearly define its Brand Purpose

  • Focus on Targeted Clients

  • Document & Meet the Business' Financial Goals

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