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Integrated Partnerships

A partnership is a handshake between entities. An Integrated Partnership is an opportunity to convert that handshake into a meaningful embrace of the target, invisible to the eye, but memorable for years to come.

For over 20 years, Think Walk Run has developed and executed unexpected, multi-channel partnerships across Travel & Hospitality, Entertainment, Arts & Design, Active Lifestyle, Film and Sports consumer passion points. Each relationship was expertly crafted to drive value to the consumer — surprising conquests and rewarding loyalist — by building brand awareness, while driving consideration and purchase. From integrated custom content, to product placements, to a fully immersed brand-trial experience, each engagement was designed to drive measurable ROI in both the short- and long-term for both the brand and the partner.

The National Museum of African American Music + Hallmark Mahogany

Dream Hotels + Lincoln Motor Company

The Dallas Cowboys + Lincoln Motor Company

Featured Content & Experiential Partnerships

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